paper-thin cortland apple tart with dulce de leche and whipped cream – on a roll

by Michelle

cortland apple puff pastry tart

I’m on a bit of a roll with the kitchen bloopers. 

cortland apple puff pastry tart

Ralph and I spent the weekend up at the farm. He wanted me to try driving my snowmobile again. I haven’t been on it since Christmas when I fell off it seven times in one day! I couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong. I ‘leaned into the turn’ exactly as I had been told… Apparently, not as I had been told. What is ‘into the turn’ to the rest of the world is away from the turn to me. The reason my Skidoo kept rolling over on me was that I was leaning in the same direction that it was tipping toward, so over I went – seven times! When we tried again on Friday, I ignored my natural inclination and leaned in the opposite direction. Miracle of miracles, I made it through the turns without rolling in the snow with a three hundred pound machine on top of me. It was awesome!

I have gone way off topic… back to my kitchen troubles. Not really cooking trouble this time, more blogging gear trouble. I went to the farm without a back up battery for my camera. I couldn’t believe it. My tart post was taking shape. The photos looked good. I just needed the finale. The shot of the final product that would hopefully inspire you to want to try my recipe or at least leave my blog craving something sweet! I staged the shot, brought the image into focus when suddenly I heard a chirping that’s the sound my camera makes as it’s shutting down and my camera was dead. The crispy hot apple tart drizzled with dulce de leche and topped with a soft dollop of whipped cream imagine the contrasts in color and texture – argh!

And so we are entering a new dimension of our relationship. You’re going to have to trust me blindly – pardon the pun – on this one. It was delicious!

cortland apple puff pastry tart

Paper-thin Cortland Apple Tart

Serves 6

Preheat oven 400*F

1 sheet of commercial puff pastry, 9×11

2 Cortland apples, paper-thin inch slices

1/3 cup sugar

Place the puff pastry on a parchment lined baking sheet, I use the parchment that the pastry comes wrapped in

Using the tines of a fork, prick the surface of the pastry at 1 inch intervals leaving 1/2 inch frame around the entire rectangle to act as a frame

Place the apple slices on the puff pastry, slightly overlapping.

Sprinkle with sugar

Bake for 25 minutes or until crust is well browned.

Serve warm or at room temperature.

THE LOVE: The tart is best served warm. I used a commercial dulce de leche drizzled on top and a big spoonful of whipped cream. We were licking our plates!

printable copy

cortland apple puff pastry tart

Thanks for reading.

1 comment

potato pancake – Uptown Saint John style | bite February 27, 2013 - 9:11 am

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