WHAT TO DO WITH GARLIC SCAPES AND WILD MINT? Make pesto! Pesto usually brings basil and flat Italian parsley to mind but using different herb combinations is easy and fun.
Wild Mint grows all over our farm. When I weed it out of my vegetable garden, rather than throw it in the compost I cook with it. I’m trying to grow garlic but to date with dismal results. These garlic scapes came from Oak Lane Farms. You can find garlic scapes at trendy farmer’s markets.
Wild mint is more intense than it’s cultvated cousin so go lightly. If you’ve never tasted mint pesto, you’re in for a treat! Serve it tossed with pasta and fresh peas or drizzled over grilled lamb chops. Just think about what tastes good with mint and you’ll be safe. Not to worry if you can’t find wild mint. All mint will work. You’ll just have to use a little more.
This week is wild – not just in the food department! All the last minute reception details for Meggie and Theo have to be looked after. All hands on deck!
Makes 1 cup
10 large garlic scapes
½ cup fresh wild mint leaves, packed tight
¼ cup pine nuts
¼ cup Parmigiano-Reggiano, finely grated
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
- Place garlic scapes and mint leaves in the bowl of your food processor.
- Whiz until the mixture is well chopped.
- Add pine nuts and process again until nuts are finely chopped.
- With the motor running, slowly pour the oil through the feed tube.
- Season the pesto with sea salt and pepper, to taste.
- Scrape pesto into a small container and stir in grated parmesan.
THE LOVE: The pesto keeps in the fridge, covered, for 1 week or frozen for a month.
one year ago: simple syrup
two years ago: peach tart
three years ago: wild strawberry jam
Recipes are for sharing so by all means share my work. I love it!
Thanks for reading.
I tried planting garlic last year but had no luck too. im trying again this year though!! i want to make pickled scapes.
ooh…pickled scapes sound great!
When all else fails, make pesto. That’s what I say! Scape mayo is also delish!
What a great idea – thanks for that!
looks devine! love your creativity. thanks for sharing !
My complete pleasure!