eggs - stravaganza - fresh, bold and bright l

eggs – stravaganza – fresh, bold and bright

by Michelle

eggs - stravaganza - fresh, bold and bright l

I love eggs. Brown ones, white ones, big ones, little ones. There’s something about the nostalgia evoked when I see eggs that leaves me feeling happy. Memories of weekday mornings when my girls were little, me standing at the stove asking them, “how do you want your eggs?” Three little girls – three different answers.

“Sunny-side up”



The girls were fussy eaters when they were little so when I found something nutritious that they liked and they loved eggs, I pounced on it! Boiled, fried, scrambled, poached, omelettes, egg salad sandwiches, chopped on top of salads – you name it – there was nothing I didn’t do with eggs.

eggs - stravaganza - fresh, bold and bright l

When the Egg Farmers of New Brunswick reached out to see if I was available to write a post for them about eggs, I was thrilled. As the chef and co-owner of a local restaurant, I am committed to supporting our local farmers. Did you know that Canadian eggs are produced in every province, including the Northwest Territories by more than 1,000 farm families. No matter where you purchase your eggs, they are from a local farmer. We have 16 egg farming families across New Brunswick. Click on the link to meet the families. It doesn’t get more local than that!

eggs - stravaganza - fresh, bold and bright l

When the girls are home now for holidays, they still ask for eggs. I created a recipe that everyone enjoys so that I’m not doing the short order cook routine!. I poach the eggs in a thick tomato sauce then each person tops their eggs with all sorts of fresh, bold ingredients. It looks fantastic on the table and is spectacular to eat. There are lots of recipes available where you drop the eggs into a sauce filled with vegetables and meats. I prefer the bright flavours of not cooking everything together. You can really taste each topping with the added bonus of all the different textures.
eggs - stravaganza - fresh, bold and bright l
Full disclosure, I make this dish for lunch and supper too! It’s super nutritious and really there’s nothing you can’t put on top of an egg that doesn’t taste yummy.
eggs - stravaganza - fresh, bold and bright l


  • 6 large eggs
  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic, peeled and minced
  • 2 – 796 ml cans diced plum tomatoes in puree
  • 2 tablespoons fresh basil, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt, or to taste but keep in mind what you’ll be adding to the top so be careful not to over salt. You can always add more at the table.
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

eggs - stravaganza - fresh, bold and bright l


  1. Place a large skillet over medium high heat
  2. Add olive oil to warm
  3. Add garlic and cook until soft
  4. Add tomatoes, salt, pepper and basil to skillet and bring to a boil
  5. Reduce heat and simmer until sauce has thickened slightly
  6. Break eggs into sauce then cover pan and cook until yolk reaches your favourite stage. 4 minutes for medium
  7. While they poach, toast your bread.

*If you’re in a real hurry, use a jar of good-quality, commercial marinara sauce. I used individual cast-iron skillets for this post but I normally only use one skillet – less clean up!


  • Ciabatta bread, toasted – or your favorite toast
  • Old cheddar, shredded
  • Crispy bacon strips, chopped
  • Green Onions, sliced
  • Sour Cream
  • Avocado, sliced or mashed
  • Jalapenos, sliced
  • Sweet Bell Peppers, sliced or chopped
  • Lime Wedges
  • Cherry Tomato, halved

eggs - stravaganza - fresh, bold and bright l

THE LOVE: Don’t be afraid to poach eggs. Once you get the hang of it, it’ll be your go-to! Use a knife to make a clean break in the egg shell then separate the shell and gently drop the egg into the sauce. With this recipe the egg poaches on top of the sauce with the help of a pot cover. The white is cooked when it looks cooked. Make sure there’s no clear runny white visible.

eggs - stravaganza - fresh, bold and bright l

Thanks for reading.

This post is sponsored by Egg Farmers of New Brunswick.

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