Milk-Fed Veal Bolognese and saying good-bye

by Michelle

I can not believe that it is Labour Day.

Time seems to travel at a faster pace for me in the country. Every day is filled with discovering more about my farm and myself – often at the same time. If someone had told me, three years ago, that I could be content in the solitude of rural life I would have heartily disagreed. I have spent my entire adult life immersed in everything urban. I love the convenience of walking to the city market to do my daily shopping. It’s a wonderful feeling to meet friends and acquaintances during my walk and exchange simple pleasantries or catch up on the latest gossip. Finding out that I had forgotten the most important ingredient for dinner, at the grocery store, has happened more than once this summer. The grocery store is an hour away!

Knowing that I am connected to a community of people who share my values and history has always been very grounding to me. Being involved in civic issues has galvanize my understanding of what people need to live in happiness and harmony. The theatre, art galleries, sporting events, restaurants, fitness gym, lunch dates, glasses of wine with girl friends, book club – all of the stuff that makes up my life in the city is now competing with my life in the country.

My life in the country is solitary. My life in the city is jam-packed full of everything. I love both…

Soon it will be time to pack up and head back to city life but I can not think about it today. Kaitie and Sara are home. This weekend will be about big family dinners, our last time out on the boat, helping our neighbor put the hay in for winter, long walks in the woods and talking. Hours and hours of sharing memories, sorting out troubles, meandering through our ‘stream of consciousness’ conversation – a sort of family verbal short-hand  that only we can keep up with.

Then saying ‘good-bye’ until Christmas. This weekend is always bitter-sweet…

The girls love pasta and so…

Veal Bolognese

serves 6-8

2 lbs milk-fed veal, ground

2 small carrots, minced

2 stalks celery, minced

1 medium onion, minced

3 cloves of garlic

2 tablespoons butter

2 tablespoons olive oil

1/2 teaspoon chili pepper flakes

1 teaspoon salt

3 tablespoons fresh basil, finely chopped

2 – 28 ounce can imported diced Italian plum tomatoes

2 cups dry white wine

1 1/4 cup milk

freshly grated nutmeg

In a large pot, heat butter and olive oil over a medium high heat. When butter is frothing add onions, carrots and garlic – saute for 10 minutes stirring constantly

Add ground veal and cook until all of the pinkness is gone.

Add white wine and cook until wine had completely evaporated – stirring often

Add milk and repeat process.

When milk had evaporated, add salt, chili flakes, fresh nutmeg [to taste] and tomatoes I use about 1/8 teaspoon of nutmeg

Lower heat to a simmer and cook for three hours then add fresh basil.

Cook for an other hour.

This my mom’s recipe and is the very best that I have ever eaten!

I also served this sauce over sweet potato gnocchi – very hearty.

Happy Labour Day and thanks for reading.





Christie September 3, 2011 - 2:12 pm

While no one loves your country spot more than I do (family aside) I am THRILLED that you’ll soon be back in the ‘city’ and closer to me.

Also, this sauce is delish! (And I can say that even now knowing what the meat is.)

chasing the light | bite September 7, 2013 - 7:13 am

[…] two years ago: milk-fed veal bolognese […]

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