a dainty radish, cucumber and boursin tea sandwich

radish, cucumber and herbed boursin hearts for a baby shower

by Michelle

heart shaped tea sandwiches

If I had a nickel for every heart shape that I’ve cut out, I’d be a kazillionaire!

heart shaped sandwich cut outs

When I was catering during the 1980’s this was my shape of choice. Fruit tarts, cakes, cookies, bars and dainty little tea sandwiches, all heart shaped, filled my customers shopping bags and tables. The stainless steel cutter that you see in the photo is thirty years old and one of my most cherished kitchen tools.

radish, cucumber and herbed boursin tea sandwiches

This past Sunday, I was invited to a baby shower for a co-worker. She asked if I would make, “those cute little shower sandwiches – I love them and nobody else will take the time.” How could I refuse? I combined  an herbed boursin with spicy radish slices and crispy cucumber. They were pretty, simple to make and tasty!

radish, cucumber and herbed boursin tea sandwiches

With my heart-shaped cutter and trusty mandolin cutter, I whipped up a tray tea sandwiches in no time flat. I still love hearts…

a platter of tea sandwiches

radish, cucumber and herbed boursin hearts

1 loaf white sandwich bread

1 small package herbed boursin cheese

4 bright red radishes

2 small cucumbers, 4 inches long and 1 inch round

Cut out hearts from the bread – you should get 2 hearts per slice

slice radish and cucumber paper-thin using a mandolin or sharp knife

spread each heart with a generous dollop of boursin

top with 1 radish slice and 2 cucumber slices

press gently to make sure that the vegetables are adhering to the cheese

Arrange on a platter, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until needed.

a dainty radish, cucumber and boursin tea sandwich

Happy Halloween and thanks for reading.


rosewithoutthorns October 31, 2012 - 12:24 pm

Really cool idea!
thank u for sharing!

bitebymichelle October 31, 2012 - 2:33 pm

My pleasure!

Darlene November 4, 2012 - 2:34 pm

I will be preparing food for my daughter’s baby shower and think these would be very nice. Have you ever tried toasting the bread or is it better as is?

bitebymichelle November 4, 2012 - 3:41 pm

It would be better as is. You want to avoid crumbs and cold toast… Have fun at the shower!

Oregano Party Toasts « Cooking up a Storm, Dish by Dish :: Felicia Lim November 7, 2012 - 3:20 pm

[…] A couple of days ago I was inspired by Bite by Michelle’s recipe for Radish, Cucumber and Herbed Boursin Hearts. […]

bitebymichelle November 8, 2012 - 11:50 am

Thank you so much for including me in your post. It’s very cool to be someone’s inspiration! Your party toasts looked delicious!


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