roasted garlic

roasted garlic

by Michelle

roasted garlic

I have this habit of throwing a bulb of garlic in my grocery cart every time I’m at the super market. Given that I make at least four trips a week to pick up odds and ends, you would think that I might skip a bulb or two per week. I never do! So when my vegetable crisper drawer is over stuffed with garlic that’s seen better days, I peel it, throw it in the oven for a couple of hours and ‘Bob’s your uncle’ – I have lovely rich roasted garlic that seems to last forever. It’s one of the most useful condiments in my refrigerator!

roasted garlic

I use it in dips, sauces, soups, spreads dabbed on pizza, smeared over chicken or fish skin before roasting, mashed with vegetables or bashed into a paste for beef and pork roasts. The list really could go on forever! Suffice to say, don’t turf your tired garlic. After it’s been roasted with a little sea salt, freshly ground black pepper and lots of extra virgin olive oil, you’ll have a bit of magic in a jar.

roasted garlic

roasted garlic

Preheat oven 250* F

Peel each garlic clove.

Place in a single layer in a small baking dish and drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper.

Bake until garlic is soft – up to two hours – check it after the first 45 minutes

Remove from oven and place garlic and all the olive oil in your food processor and give it a quick wiz – you still want it chunky!

Place in a mason jar and cover with extra virgin olive oil.

when it’s cool, cover and store in the REFRIGERATOR.

The Love: Peel your garlic by place your butcher’s knife on top of each clove and gently pressing down. The pressure from your hand will cause the garlic skin to crack and the garlic will slip right out. Much easier than trying to use a paring knife!

roasted garlic

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