pickled peppers

by Michelle

pickled peppers l bitebymichelle.com

Last week, while I was working on the new menu for Italian by Night, I got a ping from Sean MaGrath, photographer extraordinaire/web guy wizard.

” Would you like some pepperoncini peppers?” 

It’s very cool to be top of mind when friends have extra unusual things growing in their gardens. He delivered two types of peppers [pepperoncini and shishitu] to my front door and asked if I would do a post on pickling them.

So I did.

Thanks Sean! XO

pickled peppers l bitebymichelle.com

PICKLED PEPPERS – makes 2 quarts

  • 2 cups white wine vinegar
  • 2 cups filtered water
  • 2 tablespoon sea salt
  • 2 quarts pepperoncini peppers – you can use any hot pepper you like

pickled peppers l bitebymichelle.com


  1. Prepare lids and jars according to manufacturer’s instructions.
  2. Wash your peppers and make 2 small slits in each.
  3. Combine vinegar, filtered water and salt in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil. As soon as it boils, remove from heat.
  4. While the brine is coming to the boil, pack your peppers into prepared jars. I used one – 2 quart jar.
  5. Pour boiled brine over the peppers in the jar, covering the peppers by 1/4 inch
  6. Insert a slender metal knife into the side of the jar to allow any air pockets to escape. Add additional brine if necessary to cover the peppers.
  7. Wipe any vinegar spills from the rim with a clean cloth and put on the lid.
  8. Allow your peppers to ‘pickle’ in the fridge for 1 month before serving.
  9. Keep them in the fridge for up to 6 months.

pickled peppers l bitebymichelle.com

THE LOVE: Feel free to add garlic cloves, mustard seeds or peppercorns to your pickled peppers for a bit of additional pizzazz.

pickled peppers l bitebymichelle.com

Thanks for reading.