chocolate easter egg nest – fun and easy

by Michelle

Easter is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than with some fun and easy Easter treats? One of my personal favorites is the chocolate Easter egg nest. This gorgeous chocolate treat not only looks amazing but is also incredibly tasty and easy to make. You can stop at the chocolate nest or use it as a decoration like I did on this chocolate cake.

chocolate easter egg nest - bitebymichelle.com

Trying to pretend that I’m happy during any holiday is impossible. I want to be super mom and all ‘I’m so proud of my kids and completely understand and support their choice to build their lives thousands of miles away from me’, but I’m not. I’m selfish. I want them to want to be able to drop in for a gab and a cup of tea whenever, to count on Sunday dinner, to help me open the farm for the summer, to crash our Friday nights and have us pick up the tab, to call Ralph when their cars break down and all the other stuff that only a dad can take care of.

I want to have so much time together that the special times blend into everyday time; instead of only having time that’s photo worthy. But that’s not to be so I keep busy and look forward to our next time together.

This Chocolate Easter Egg Nest is a fun and easy activity to do with your children or grandchildren.

These nests are not only delicious but also make a great activity to do with kids. They’ll love helping you make the nests and then filling them with the candy eggs. You can also experiment with different types of candy to fill the nests, such as jelly beans or robin’s eggs.

Another great thing about these chocolate Easter egg nests is that they can be made in advance and stored in an airtight container until ready to serve. They’re perfect for a last-minute dessert or for an Easter party.

I’ve included the cake recipe that I used for this post just in case you want to go crazy!

EASTER EGG CHOCOLATE CAKE  slightly adapted from Chew Town


  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 cup cocoa
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup Greek Vanilla Bean yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon instant coffee
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • 3 eggs
  • 3/4 cup melted butter


  1. Preheat oven to 325*F.
  2. Grease and line two 8 inch round cake pans.
  3. Sift together flour, baking soda, cocoa and brown sugar in a bowl
  4. Beat eggs until frothy then add instant coffee, yogurt and melted butter, blend well.
  5. Add flour mixture and blend until completely incorporated.
  6. Divide the mixture evenly between the two pans and smooth out the tops. The batter is thick and a little tricky to spread.
  7. Bake for 30 minutes, or until a skewer inserted comes out clean.
  8. Remove from oven and cool for 10 minutes.
  9. Remove the cakes from the pans to cool completely.
  10. The cake tops will look like the surface of the moon instead of smooth.


  • 3 egg whites
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa, sifted
  • 1/2 teaspoon white wine vinegar


  1. Preheat oven 300*F
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  3. Stir sugar and cocoa together in a small bowl
  4. Beat the egg whites in a bowl until stiff peaks form when the whisk is removed. I use my stand mixer so that my hands are free, but a hand mixer will work just as well.
  5. Add the sugar/cocoa mixture, one tablespoon at a time, whisking well after each addition. It makes a bit of cocoa smoke!
  6. Add the vinegar.
  7. Scrape the meringue mixture onto your prepared baking sheet and spread out to 1 inch thick.
  8. Bake for 75 minutes. The meringue should be crisp on the outside and chewy on the inside.
  9. Allow to cool completely.


  • Half of cooled meringue
  • 1 cup whipping cream
  • 2 tablespoons icing/confectioner sugar


  1. Break up half of the meringue into chunks and set aside. You can eat the other half!
  2. Place cream in a bowl and whip with a hand mixer until soft peaks form.
  3. Add the sugar to the bowl and whip again till firm peaks form. You want it to be almost butter.
  4. Gently fold in the broken meringue pieces.
  5. Spoon the filling on top of the bottom cake layer.
  6. Gently place the top of the cake on the filling then sandwich the filling.


  • 110g dark chocolate
  • 25g unsalted butter


  1. Melt the butter and chocolate together in the microwave in short intervals, stirring until completely combined then pour over the top of the cake.

This CHOCOLATE EASTER EGG NEST is the perfect Easter treat to make with your kids. It’s easy to make and is spectacular when it’s finished!

easter egg chocolate cake - I'm not super mom - bitebymichelle.com


Thanks for reading.


Rating: 5.0/5
( 1 voted )
Serves: 6 Prep Time: Nutrition facts: 200 calories 20 grams fat


  • 20g vermicelli noodles
  • 60g dark chocolate
  • 110g package of small easter eggs* I used Cadbury's Speckled Mini Eggs


easter egg chocolate cake - I'm not super mom - bitebymichelle.com

  1. Line a small bowl - the size you want your nest to be - with cling wrap leaving the ends to hangover.
  2. Break up the vermicelli noodles into small pieces and place on a plate.
  3. Melt the chocolate in the microwave on medium or power level 2 in short intervals until it's completely melted.
  4. Pour over the vermicelli noodles and mix till well combined. I used my hands.
  5. Take the chocolate coated noodles, and press into the cling wrapped bowl.
  6. Place bowl in fridge to harden.
  7. Remove the nest from the fridge, and take it out of the bowl mold.
  8. Place it on top of the cake over the ganache and fill it with the chocolate eggs.
  9. Serve immediately or refrigerate until needed.


THE LOVE: If you're not a fan of dark chocolate use milk chocolate or white chocolate.


Linda March 26, 2016 - 11:06 am

Love the cake especially crowned with the nest. Felt every word you wrote.

Michelle Hooton March 26, 2016 - 3:52 pm

so hard…


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