chunky chicken and apple soup with luscious cheddar au gratin

by Michelle

In my smallest voice but with my biggest smile and a huge hug, I want to thank you. I have surpassed 500,000 views…It’s blowing my mind!

chunk chicken and apple soup with cheddar au gratin

Creating a new recipe is a lot like putting a puzzle together. If you think of the ingredients as pieces of a puzzle, either they fit together or they don’t. You can’t force them. If you do, you end up with a warped, distorted picture or likewise an unbalanced, inedible dish.

apples, sage, shallots and garlic

I do a lot of lateral thinking when I’m writing new recipes. Pulling ingredients from a dish that I love and reworking them to create something totally different. It’s a little game that I’ve  played for years! I can’t believe that I actually admitted that out loud…

snipped sage

Saturday, I decided to play around with some chicken. My journey is a bit stream of consciousness so read closely. I was craving mulligatawny soup. Ralph was not. Curry leaves him running for fresh air! So what to use in place of the curry? This is where the lateral thinking kicks in. One of my favorite ways to eat chicken is roasted. What I love most about roast chicken is the stuffing. What’s in the stuffing? Bread, onion, garlic, potatoes, apples and sage – boom that was it! Instead of using apples and curry to create a mulligatawny soup, I decided to use all the ingredients from my chicken stuffing recipe and create a chunky chicken, apple and sage soup. I chose to use bread instead of potatoes because including both felt a little redundant.

pink sneakers

Using bread in the recipe, let me ramp the soup up by turning it into an ‘au gratin‘. I used Rusk topped with a mountain of grated old cheddar. I chose cheddar cheese because of its natural affinity to apples. My craving for curry and chicken evaporated at the thought of hot, luxurious gobs of melted cheddar cheese gently bubbling on bread soaking in an apple, sage and chunky chicken soup.

mountain of cheddar cheese

chunky chicken and apple soup with cheddar au gratin

serves 4

2 large skinless boneless chicken breasts, cut into mouth-sized chunks

3 large apples, cored and diced

3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

1 shallot, chopped

2 teaspoons garlic, minced – i used some roasted garlic paste that I had on hand

large handful fresh sage, snipped

2 large carrots, peeled and diced

sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

6 cups chicken stock – i used campbell’s ‘no salt added’

4 thick slices dry bread or Rusks

lots of grated cheddar cheese – i used old cheddar

In a deep large skillet, heat oil over medium heat

Add shallots, apples, garlic and carrots, saute for 5 minutes

Add chicken and saute until cooked – every stove is different so watch carefully

Add chicken stock and snipped sage and bring to a boil.

Reduce heat and simmer until carrots are soft.

Season well with salt and pepper.

Ladle soup into individual oven proof bowls

Place Bread/Rusks in each bowl and top generously with grated cheddar cheese

Place under broiler until cheese is bubbling and golden.

Serve immediately.

chunky chicken and apple soup with cheddar au gratin

Thanks for reading.


Kaitie October 29, 2012 - 10:38 am

WOW that looks so good! AND YAY congratulations!

bitebymichelle October 29, 2012 - 5:45 pm

It was soup that even you would like!


Meggie October 29, 2012 - 11:08 am

Your photos are beautiful in this post mom! Theo thinks this looks amazing! xo

bitebymichelle October 29, 2012 - 5:45 pm

Thanks Sweetie! Theo would love it!


cooking with audrey October 29, 2012 - 12:36 pm

YUM! love your blog, love the pics, love the simplicity. i’m a fan!

bitebymichelle October 29, 2012 - 5:46 pm

Awesome! Thanks for stopping by…

Bonnie October 29, 2012 - 1:15 pm

I would like to know if you have a recipe for pumpkin soup. I bought a pumpkin for halloween but I want to cook it and make pumpkin soup with it this year. I was thinking about making it with white navy beans.

bitebymichelle October 29, 2012 - 5:47 pm

Did you use the pumpkin as a Jack o La-tern ?

Becki Smythe October 30, 2012 - 8:03 am

Earlier this summer we found your blog after doing a Google search on King’s Landing Brown Bread! What a happy accident! While I am here just a quickie….can you tell me what brand of unsweetened/bittersweet chocolate you use in baking? You must prefer this option over powdered cocoa. Would like to make the switch from powdered cocoa but just a wee bit nervous…LOL

bitebymichelle October 30, 2012 - 5:35 pm

So happy that you found me! Don’t be nervous about switching from cocoa to chunk chocolate. I use everything from Baker’s to Lindt. Experiment until you find one that you love. If you’re like me, you’ll love them all!

my best for 2012 | bite January 2, 2013 - 11:15 am

[…] chunky chicken and apple soup with luscious cheddar au gratin  – quite a mouthful! […]


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