Green Bean Antipasta della Casa

by Michelle

Italian Green Bean Antipasta

This time of year is wild in the vegetable garden. I went down yesterday to pick a few green beans to make a salade nicoise it sounds fancy but really not and got stuck there for an hour picking beans and peas! I’m not a big fan of frozen vegetables so what doesn’t get eaten immediately goes into the test kitchen for pickling. I don’t have a test kitchen, I just test things in my kitchen.

During the winter when we’re entertaining, I often serve a meat and cheese board embellished with marinated vegetables as part of a formal antipasta. Commercially marinated vegetables often taste, as my daughter Meg said when she was little, “like soap”.

It’s super easy and fun to play around with different combinations of spices, herbs and vinegars to create your own antipasta della casa. It takes a bit of trial and error before you land on the perfect salt content for you. I like my pickles salty so keep that in mind if you try this recipe. Remember, you need to have enough salt to preserve the vegetable without pickling your tongue!

Italian Green Bean Antipasta

Green Bean Antipasta della Casa

This recipe makes enough brine for one – 1 litre bottle. Increase as needed.

1 ¼ cup white wine vinegar
1 ¼ cup water
1 ½ tablespoons sea salt
1 clove of garlic
1 branch of lemon thyme
1 dried hot pepper

Pack the jar with fresh green string beans, making sure to leave a ½ inch head space at the top of the jar. [Trim beans, if necessary]

Add garlic, thyme and pepper.

Combine vinegar, water and salt in a medium pot over high heat and bring to a boil.
Boil for 2 minutes.

Pour hot brine into packed bottles.

Seal with prepared lids.

Follow manufacturer’s instructions for preparing the lids.

Store beans for 2 weeks in refrigerator before using.

THE LOVE: In order to pack the jar properly, I didn’t sterilize it first. It makes it too hard to handle. That’s why I store the beans in the fridge. Be sure to wash the jars thoroughly though before you pack them!

printable recipe

Italian Green Bean Antipasta

Thanks for reading.


Donna August 14, 2013 - 7:40 am

Good morning, I too have tons of beans, and I wondered… how long will the beans keep in this brine. I have made “Dill Beans” before and have had to water bath them to seal and sterilize.. I love the sound of your recipe as well…

bitebymichelle August 14, 2013 - 8:05 am

As long as they’re kept in the fridge, they should be good. This is the first run through with this recipe so I don’t have a specific time. In my house, as soon as that bottle is opened it will be gone!

pickling 101 video at the farm by Elaine Shannon with me! | bite October 8, 2013 - 5:40 am

[…] me at the end of the summer about whether I’d be interested in being interviewed about pickle making.  I was thrilled! Elaine and her technical team Kirsten came to the farm  to spend some time […]


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