roasted beets with clementines and garlic – carrying on

by Michelle

roasted beets with clementine and garlic

Hello again. Sorry about the radio silence. Ralph and I snuck away for a couple of days for a mid winter break. It’s the first time since I started writing this blog that I consciously chose to leave my camera at home. Ralph loved being able to enjoy his meals without me having to photograph our dishes from every conceivable angle before we were able to eat. It also gave me a time to think about why I’m writing this blog. It started out as a way for me to stay connected to the girls as a nonclingy, unpathetic mother while trying to hide my separation anxiety. This week, I went back to the beginning posts and laughed as I remembered the hours I laboured over trying to figure out how to actually put a post together. Like anything, practice made the work easier. Stories flowed, the cooking was fun and the photography, well, it remains a welcomed challenge. I never had a defined plan as to what I was going to write about. I would sit down at my computer and start to type. Most of the time the food and the story belonged together but sometimes not. Sometimes I just had a story to tell…

roasted beets with clementine and garlic

My separation angst hasn’t gotten any better. It is what it is. No amount of reminiscing is going to change the fact that my daughters live in other time zones. Since I started my blog, the girls have put restrictions on what I can and can’t write about. ‘Some things are family private’. I get that. And so, after a week of weighing the pros and cons of whether or not I would continue to write this blog – mostly because of the time commitment – I’ve decided to carry on. I will honor the girl’s request to be sensitive to their privacy, no matter how adorable I think a story might be.

The truth is my blog has become something more to me than a web based storyboard and recipe box. It’s  become a discipline for self growth. I see the world from a new and generous perspective largely due to the discoveries I’m making through social media. That alone compels me to want to continue. So, I will.

When I saw these beets at the supermarket yesterday I thought they needed a good roasting so into the oven they went along with some garlic and clemetines. They are delicious hot, room temperature or cold. I’m serving them tonight with roast chicken. A perfect snowy Sunday night dinner!

roasted beets with clementine and garlic

Roasted Beets with Clementine and Garlic

Serves 4

Preheat oven 350*F

4 medium beets, scrubbed and leaves removed
3 Clementine, quartered
5 cloves of garlic, unpeeled
Sea salt
Freshly ground pepper
Extra virgin olive oil

Place a large piece of tin foil on a baking sheet
Cover the foil with a large piece of parchment paper
Add beets, 2 Clementine, garlic, salt and pepper to taste
Squeeze remaining Clementine over beets then add to the pile
Drizzle with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil
Seal package well and place in oven until beets are fork tender – up to 2 hours
Unseal carefully to release steam.
Serve hot, warm or cold.

THE LOVE: Place your oven rack in the lower third position so that the bottoms of the beets don’t scorch while waiting for the rest of the beet to cook.

printable copy

roasted beets with clementine and garlic

one year ago: cinnamon buns – sheer decadence 

Thanks for reading.


eclecticlamb February 17, 2013 - 3:05 pm

I often roast beets but never with clementines. Sounds good.

bitebymichelle February 17, 2013 - 3:15 pm

I love a beet, orange and chevre salad so I thought the clementine would work as well. Instead of a cold salad, I roasted them. It smells delicious!

Kaitie February 17, 2013 - 3:18 pm

I love reading the blog. I’d be sad if you stopped. xo

bitebymichelle February 17, 2013 - 3:34 pm

Thanks Sweetheart! xoxo

Rene Collins February 17, 2013 - 3:30 pm

i must admit that i really dislike beets – however at your fathers birthday you served a salad which i loved andI could not believe it was full of beets – so if your readers are like me – not beet lovers – i would suggest they try this recipe as you might be pleasantly surprised

bitebymichelle February 18, 2013 - 7:13 am

I didn’t know that you don’t like beets! Yikes… Give my love to Stan and always to you…

Helen S. February 17, 2013 - 5:24 pm

Lovely to hear that you will continue. I find your posts very inspiring. Thank you!

bitebymichelle February 17, 2013 - 5:31 pm

My pleasure! I appreciate that you read them.

Patti Flecknell February 17, 2013 - 6:21 pm

I am so glad you are going to continue on with your blog! When I open my email and see “bite” I can’t wait to click on it and see what you have to say and especially what recipe you are going to share with us. When I cook something different now the first question they ask is this a Michelle Hooton recipe lol so far they have all been a hit. Take care Patti.

bitebymichelle February 18, 2013 - 7:12 am

Hi Patti, I can’t tell you what it means to me to have your support and encouragement. I always love hearing from you and appreciate that you take the time to leave me a comment.

judith February 18, 2013 - 5:44 am

Does the garlic have to be unpeeled?

bitebymichelle February 18, 2013 - 7:15 am

Hey you crazy vegan chef! No the garlic does not have to be unpeeled. The reason I do that is to make sure that the garlic stays moist and not over done. The peeling helps with that.

Jay Remer February 19, 2013 - 4:21 pm

Trying this tonight. Can’t wait! Will report back 🙂

bitebymichelle February 19, 2013 - 5:13 pm

Really lovely with a little crumbled chevre or blue cheese after they are out of the oven. Looking forward to hearing how you like them!

Jay Remer February 19, 2013 - 11:22 pm

They were a triumph, of course – just like all the recipes of yours I use. We served them with a wonderful roast pork loin and red fingerlings. I used Samosas instead of Clementines and they worked very well. Thank you, thank you. Don’t stop!!

bitebymichelle February 20, 2013 - 8:47 am

Just so you know, I’d be thrilled to come and cook in that kitchen of yours!!! xo

Sheila February 24, 2013 - 2:25 pm

I’m spending my morning reading, catching up on the last several installments of blogs I follow, commenting on some…and your words at the beginning of this post caught my attention, because I just said some of the same things in a post I wrote last night..why I blog, and why I’ll continue.
Always good to know others have similar issues…I completely identify with your separation anxiety…I am always a mom in my heart, and love being in close contact with my son and daughter…thank God for cell phones! And yet, I don’t see myself as needy, and I certainly don’t want my kids to see me in that light. And I don’t think they do. I would bet your girls love it that you want to stay close to them.
Your photos are a treat and an inspiration! I love to cook, but haven’t put a lot of that piece of myself in my blog…there are so many wonderful food blogs out there, and to be honest, I’m not sure my skills would stack up! But it’s lovely to have inspiration from writers/photographers like you! ~ Sheila

bitebymichelle February 24, 2013 - 2:36 pm


I’m working on tomorrow’s post this afternoon which is why I’m seeing your comments so quickly. As a fellow blogger, I’m sure you know how lovely it is to receive genuine discussion from your readers. It’s a wonderful feeling knowing that my work has touched you but even more wonderful is that you took the time to tell me.
Deeply appreciated,


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