cinnamon and sugar apple crisps

by Michelle

Cinnamon and Sugar Apple Crisps

Cinnamon and sugar on anything is delicious. Ever had it sprinkled over a piece of homemade bread toasted slathered in butter. Damn! I just drooled on my keyboard again. It’s 5 am and I haven’t had my breakfast yet…

Back to the matter at hand. I’m not a lover of dried apples. They look like brown bits of rubber and I don’t like how they gum up in my teeth. Crispy, sugary, cinnamony – blogging has it’s privileges/making up words is one of them – thin slices of your favorite fall apple, on the other hand, are something quite different! The texture and flavour were in my humble opinion perfect!

Macintosh apples have just the right balance of sweet, sour and crunch to pull off the sugar and spice topping. You need to have the “sour” pushing through the sweet to make the most wonderful taste explosion, I’ve had in a long time, happen. There’s lots of recipes that say you can use a knife to slice the apples. You can’t. Unless you moonlight as a sushi chef you don’t have the knife skills to slice the apples thinly or uniformly enough. You need a mandolin. I know, you’re thinking “uh hun, she wants me to buy another piece of kitchen equipment that I’ll use once”. Not true. You’ll use it all the time. OK, maybe not all the time but you will find lots of cool uses for it. I kid you not, these crisps are so worth it! You’ll never eat potato chips again…

Cinnamon and Sugar Apple Crisps

Cinnamon and Sugar Apple Crisps
Preheat oven to 200*F

2 apples I used Macintosh
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
4 cups water
½ cup lemon juice

Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper then set aside.
In a large bowl, combine water and lemon juice.
Wash and thinly slice the apples using a mandolin.
As you slice the apples, drop them into the bowl of lemon water to keep the slices from discoloring.
When you’ve finished slicing the apples, dry the slices with paper towel.
Spread the apple slices onto the baking sheets making 1 single layer.
Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.
Bake for 1 hour, turn the apples over and sprinkle the other side with the cinnamon and sugar mixture.
Bake for another 1 ½ hours.
Turn the oven off and keep the apples inside as the oven cools down for 1 hour.

THE LOVE: I tried keeping a few apple crisps because that’s all that was left in an air-tight container to see if they’d stay crisp. They didn’t. The apple slices were still tasty but a bit soft. Best to bake and serve.

printable recipe

one year ago: cinnamon roll cookies

two years ago: carrot cake

bite by michelle

Thanks for reading.


Penny Wolfe October 3, 2013 - 6:15 am

I see today’s after school snack!

bitebymichelle October 3, 2013 - 11:06 am

Great idea!

Mallory @ Because I Like Chocolate October 5, 2013 - 4:05 pm

I am compiling a Canadian Thanksgiving link love post for this Friday and this is definitely going to be on it!

bitebymichelle October 5, 2013 - 5:30 pm


pear crisps and a Halloween treat tucked in a suitcase | bite October 17, 2013 - 8:59 am

[…] gave me so I turned them into pear crisps to take to a pot luck birthday party. I included some apple chips and served them with a hot herby cheesy dippy thing. The sweetness from the fruit chips was […]


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