caramelized pineapple upside down cake

by Michelle

Caramelized pineapple upside down cake is a classic dessert with a tropical twist. My recipe features juicy pineapple  coated in a sweet and sticky caramel sauce, all baked to perfection in a moist and fluffy cake. Impress your family and friends with this easy-to-make, yet impressive dessert.

Mother’s Day. There was a time when it was my favourite day of the year. A silly Hallmark holiday that encouraged my daughters to feed me breakfast in bed, make me hand-drawn cards – Hallmark was probably hoping to increase sales but I preferred the homemade variety – take Ralph gift shopping for pretty vases, aprons and gardening tools all delivered on a day full of sweetness and grace. From the moment my eyes opened until we kissed, “good-night” the girls fussed over me.

The first Mother’s Day shift came when Meg moved to Calgary. I missed her desperately but Kate and Sara pulled out all the stops to compensate. I loved their thoughtfulness but nothing could replace Meggie. Then Kate left. Sara was left on the job – ALONE! She did her best but she missed the girls as much as I did so, we spent most of the day moping around together. And now Sara is gone…

This is my first daughter-less Mother’s Day in twenty eight years.

If the girls weren’t coming home because it was too much of a bother, I’d be devastated. We just spent an amazing weekend together at Kaitie’s and we’ll be together again in July. I choose to focus on how often the girls make time for me rather than indulging in a ‘pity party’ because Mother’s Day will be sans off-spring.

In a curious way, I’m looking forward to having the time alone with my mom. Since the girls were born my focus has been been predominately on them. Mom was always included in the Mother’s Day festivities but her role was as grandmother more than mother. There was always a special card and gift for her from me, but I was happily distracted by the attention from my children. This year, I’ll be celebrating my mom.

Too many of my friends have either lost their mothers or they’re elderly and unwell.

As I’ve gotten older, my parents youth has become very precious to me. There’s only eighteen years between Mom and me. We look more like sisters than mother and daughter but make no mistake she is my mom! A single look from her can right the very worst of my days. The same face with a different look can reduce me to a scolded six year old. She’s been the keeper of my dreams and the healer of my hurts all of my life. I shudder at some of the asks I’ve made of her over the years. Still, after all my missteps and misbehaving her love for me keeps me centered and true. She is my life’s compass.

We’ll spend the day garden-centre hopping then head back to the farm where I’ll make supper for her, Dad and Ralph. It won’t be a huge day but it’ll be lovely. Lovely being able to fuss over my mom. I think Mother’s Day will remain my favourite day of the year.

Pineapple Upside Down Cake is typically made by melting brown sugar into the butter to create the sauce for the fruit.

I decided to make Caramelized Pineapple Upside Down cake by using white sugar with the butter then letting it caramelize. The flavour is incredible! Also, the fresh strawberries and vanilla ice cream on the side turned my cake into the best Dairy Queen pineapple sundae you’ll ever eat!.

So my friends, I hope you have the joy of being fussed over or fussing over someone else. Happy Mother’s Day!

Caramelized Pineapple Upside Down Cake
makes 8″ cake
preheat oven 375*F

1 1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
1/3 cup butter
3/4 cup white sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
2/3 cup buttermilk
1/3 cup butter
1 cup sugar
¼ fresh pineapple, chopped


  • Place an eight inch round cake pan over low heat
  • Place 1/3 cup butter in pan to melt to melt.
  • When butter is melted, sprinkle 1 cup sugar evenly over the entire pan.
  • Leave on heat until butter/sugar mixture starts to turn an amber color.
  • Remove pan from heat then gently swirl butter and sugar together until the entire pan contents have turned amber
  • Add enough chopped pineapple to cover bottom in one layer.

caramelized pineapple upside down cake /

  • Sift flour, salt, baking powder and baking soda together and set aside.
  • Beat 1/3 cup butter and ¾ cup sugar until light and fluffy, about three minutes.
  • Add egg and vanilla…beat another three minutes.
  • Alternate dry ingredients with buttermilk…blend well
  • Spoon cake batter evenly over fruit and place in oven for 45 minutes.
  • Serve inverted on serving plate.

THE LOVE: I serve this cake with vanilla bean ice cream and fresh strawberries.

caramelized pineapple upside down cake

print recipe

caramelized pineapple upside down cake /

one year ago: fiddleheads

two years ago: my mother’s day at the farm

three years ago: fiddlehead primavera

caramelized pineapple upside down cake /

Thanks for reading.


ardoucet May 8, 2014 - 10:19 am

Thanks Michelle, What a lovely tribute to your daughters and your mother. And I’ve always, always love pineapple upside down cake…haven’t made one in years. Maybe it’s time to make one again. : )

Michelle May 8, 2014 - 11:16 am

Thank you! Let me know if you like this recipe. It makes a dense, moist cake perfect for supporting the fruit and sauce. Thanks for reading.

meggie May 8, 2014 - 11:02 am

Happy Mothers day Mama! I’m sorry we can’t be there to spoil you! But I know you will love a special day with Nanny xoxo

Michelle May 8, 2014 - 11:16 am


Tanya Paterson May 8, 2014 - 1:43 pm

Beautiful as always! Just think next year you will be the Nanny celebrating Mother’s Day….

Michelle May 8, 2014 - 5:55 pm

Hi Tanya, Thank you so much! I think I’m going to be called Grammy… I love it. Happy Mother’s Day to you. I’m sure you’ll be spoiled rotten. xo


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